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Edging on a dime' finally had meaning to me, and I quickly learned to trust holds that previously felt impossible to use. View more

 9 prices   $115 →165


Whenever I need to stand on tiny little nothings, I'll reach for the Katakis. View more

 9 prices   $118 →175


It is one of the rare examples of a shoe that you could boulder in (both indoors and out), redpoint your hardest sport climb in, or head out for a day's trad mileage in. It can - and does - do everything very well. View more

 9 prices   $113 →185


If you're after an edge, look no further; if you're after sensitivity it's probably best to look elsewhere. Unashamedly focussed on the trad/sport climber who primarily climbs on vertical ground... View more

 9 prices   $107 →180


As the weather conditions worsened, we spent a fair bit of climbing on Tonsai Roof which stayed mostly dry. Here is where the Shadows really come out into the light... View more

 8 prices   $133 →190


... the Otaki is well suited towards hanging around on small holds/edges (i.e. trad climbing) or using even smaller edges to move quickly and efficiently upwards to the lower-off (i.e. sport climbing). The stiffness and support that the boot offers makes it quite versatile, particularly for the UK climber, as it is well suited towards a wide variety of different angles from edgy slabs, through vertical walls, to gently overhanging terrain. View more

 8 prices   $120 →185


They edge well and because they’re not too stiff, smear like you wouldn’t believe... this shoe had me standing on sandstone smears like they were giant edges. View more

 8 prices   $94 →165


... provides stretch where you need it, support where it matters and all around exceptional breathability-meaning you can go hard at the gym without worrying about your feet overheating. The shoe’s last is downturned and based on our aggressive shape, making the Zone adept at pulling hard on steep rock or plastic. View more

 7 prices   $102 →140


... provides stretch where you need it, support where it matters and all around exceptional breathability-meaning you can go hard at the gym without worrying about your feet overheating. The shoe’s last is downturned and based on our aggressive shape, making the Zone adept at pulling hard on steep rock or plastic. View more

 7 prices   $108 →140


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