A superb and incredibly precise performer. A good all round edge and smear and steep rock shoe. Not a slab master... They feel like a soft shoe (the centre section of the sole is not a thick rubber but a very flexible orange rubber section) but do offer support when needed, mainly due to the 'asymmetrical support ribbon' which kind of shoves the foot forward (comfortably-ish!) like throwing your weight over the front wheel of a motorbike, giving you power and control. UKC
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They edge like a boss, which finally is something you’d expect from them. They are very downturned, which drives an incredible amount of power into your toes. View more
Almost immediately I found greater confidence with these shoes on climbs in Rifle that involved small edges and pulling with your toe, using and trusting footholds that I was hesitating with in the past. View more
A high performance tool that is geared toward sending steep routes with small, smeary foot holds that you really need to be able to feel underfoot to stand on confidently. View more
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